Xampp install linux server

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XAMPP stack is an Apache distribution, and it is related to the PHP development environment. So, since you are already here, let’s get started.

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Here in this article, we will discuss in detail how to install XAMPP on Ubuntu 18.04. Therefore, installing XAMPP on your Ubuntu system makes hosting a website easier. Within the XAMPP tool, there is a Bitnami feature that facilitates managing WordPress and other content management systems.

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XAMPP combines these components into a single installation package so that the installation becomes simple and easy.

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The XAMPP tool helps you run these components together on your Linux system so that they can be easily manageable when it comes to web hosting. The most common components of web-hosting in Linux servers are PHP, Apache, MariaDB, etc. Developers often use PHP to gather content from a certain database so that those resources can be viewed by the users easily. These software programs work together to make browsing more efficient for the viewers. When you are hosting a website on your Ubuntu system, you will require different software packages.

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